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Musings: Story II

Davenport, Iowa, as seen from south west (1875) The city of Rock Island, “is situated on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, at...

Crazy: Story IV

***TRIGGER WARNING*** The following content is mature in nature and could be distressing and emotionally overwhelming for some readers. ...

The Panic at Pender: Story IV

A carriage drawn by two horses stands in a flat, grassy landscape. The buildings of Pender, Nebraska fill the background. 1899. Photo...

Musings: Story I

Story I: “licked by life” Sometimes we don’t agree with the people we love. Personally, I find it especially difficult when I don’t...

The Panic at Pender: Story III

Story III: Too Late It was only about a mile into town from the Benjamin farm, but Noel felt as if he had been running for days by the...

Crazy: Story III

DuoHK "He whom they flee is the one you move toward" Onto a Vast Plain Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Story III: One Breath Saturday the...

The Panic at Pender: Story II

The Walter and Mary Benjamin Family circa 1897-99 Story II: James Benjamin is missing I will never forget the first time I saw this...

Crazy: Story II

“I want to write about insidious, cumulative weight…to write about writing about trauma, and the ways it changes the brain…Jumpiness,...

Elizabeth and Daniel: Story I

“From one end of the valley to the other the scenery is exceedingly beautiful and attractive; in fact no one can form a correct idea of...

The Panic at Pender: Story I

“I wanted to walk straight on through the red grass and over the edge of the world, which could not be very far away.  The light air...

The Ocean: Story I

“Well, I swum with the sharks. I guess I can handle this.” Story I: Sharks I’ll never forget that day. That moment. How does one even...

Crazy: Story I

***TRIGGER WARNING*** The following content is mature in nature and could be distressing and emotionally overwhelming for some readers. ...

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